Uncategorized Learning my Value Love Willfulness Perseverance. Going into High School, people always said “watch out, these years will be the best of your life and, they will flash before your eyes”. I never took it into a true account because I always thought no, no this is 4 years with all the same people, all the same boring classes with all the same boring teachers, it will last forever. The fact that these 4 years were the years that were shaping me into an adult never occurred to me. Here I am, 4 years later wondering how the heck I got here so fast. Basketball was the biggest influence on me in so many ways, I earned the opportunity to begin playing Varsity as a freshman. Looking up to and becoming friends with girls 3 years older than me soaking up all the knowledge and glory I could. 3 coaches in 4 years 36 new friends and teammates 4 lifelong friendships made Now I’m in the shoes that I looked so far up to 3 years ago. So many young girls not paying attention to what’s right in front of them. So to everyone I’ll be leaving come Graduation in June Grasp every moment with 2 hands, don’t hold on for too long, but instead, hold the memory forever and live in the moment that you are blessed with. You won’t remember the days, you will remember the moments and memories, so make mistakes, learn from them, have fun and never forget. Don’t let these years be ‘the best of your life’ Life is fruitful, Life is kind, there is more to the world then what’s on campus grounds, Be your own person, not the one who’s sitting next to you. God sometimes puts us into deep, troubled water Not to drown us But to cleanse us. Posted on April 19, 2014 by Cassie Continue reading →