Author Archives: Janel

My ladies <3 it's been too long since a post; my favourite thing in life is meeting new people and making friends everywhere I go. My boss to the right of me, quit and today was her last day. I almost fell apart quite a few times wondering what I was going to do without her. But because the amount of support she has given me and knowing I will have help from my coworker(to the left of me) who is such a supportive and also take charge kind of girl. I know we will kill it and continue to grow. Cheers our admin trio, or what we like to call; The Charlie's Angels. xo

My ladies <3 it's been too long since a post; my favourite thing in life is meeting new people and making friend everywhere I go. My boss to the right of me, quit and today was her last day. I almost fell apart quite a few times wondering what I was going to do without her. But because the amount o support she has given me and knowing I will have help from my coworker(to the left of me) is such a supportive and also take charge kind of girl. I know we will kill it and continue to grow. Cheers our the admin trio, or what we like to call; The Charlie's Angels. xo

On your weakest days; when you feel like giving up… Don’t let yourself quit, instead remember why you started in the first place. Think back to the first day you ever tried what it is you are about to loose faith in. Could you ever imagine yourself doing what you can today? In life there are many storms to slow us down and dampen our mood. But the key to moving forward is finding the beauty in all that chaos. “Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks.” Never be bitter. Always give love, even when your heart is hurting. And never stop smiling, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. <3

I want to believe I will get through this… Let me, let go. I want to inspire and be inspired; by others, by everything and by anything. Let me feel it deep in my soul; I am not afraid of change. I am not afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone. Let me feel it in the depths of my heart; I am no longer afraid of leaving others behind who do not serve me a purpose anymore. Let me feel meaning; allow me to open my heart to others, to not be afraid to love again or put myself out there. Let me see it with my eyes; allow me to experience miracles and the beauty of life. Let me feel it running in my veins, rushing through my blood; I am not afraid to see the world or go on an adventure. Let me feel it expiring out of my lungs; I am letting go. Let me inhale and feel it fill my lungs; I am not afraid to take risks, I am not afraid to die, I am not afraid to live. <3