Author Archives: nicole

To anyone who has ever volunteered… I think we can all agree that signing up for a few hours or travelling across the world, your mission is to help those less fortunate than you be it financially, health wise etc… I had the opportunity to travel to the Dominican Republic volunteering at an orphanage and school. It’s incredible the love and happiness individuals exude each and everyday having so little. I am forever blessed to have been able to meet these two little girls at a local public school. They are so beautiful and were so happy each day I saw them. I signed up for this trip thinking I was going to make the biggest difference I could on someone else’s life. But in reality, the impact these girls along withy many others made on me far exceeds the impact I could have made on them. They taught me that materialistic things aren’t what bring happiness. It’s those around you.

My fuel. There’s only a few weeks left and we will be freeee. Stay focused and try your hardest because nothing feels as shitty as regretting not trying hard enough. If you’re worrying, don’t. Dive in to your books because there is no time to waist fretting. What’s done is done. You can’t go back in time and start studying earlier so use what time you still have to learn as much as possible. To all you who are feeling great about finals, well done. To those who aren’t (me) miracles do happen when you focus. This was my realization today