Author Archives: Dustin

Farmers put food on your table every day, but they have a really dangerous job. Thousands of farmers are hurt on the job every year, leaving them unable to work. Back to Ag is a program designed to help injured farmers get the resources they need to get back on the job so they can provide healthy food for Canadians. Farm Credit Canada is donating $1 for each tweet with #BackToAg in it. Help us help farmers help Canada. Hit me up for more info, or tweet the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association @planfarmsafety

I really believe on taking time to reward yourself for a job well done. We can get so caught up in finishing tasks at work or school or anything that we forget to savour that sense of accomplishment. I successfully pitched a big project I’ve been working on today, and to reward myself, I got a cream soda slurpee. Cream soda slurpees are the best. Take the time to pat yourself on the back every now and then.