Today I realized, through an unfortunate situation, that you must jump at everything in life. You never know what unexpected turns are coming your way so you should jump at anything you want, jump towards reaching goals, and jump to following your heart. Tomorrow’s never a guarantee so even if things feel crazy but right, just jump. Be impulsive. Take in the moment and don’t wait for it, your in control of your life. Always keep that positivity flowing with optimistic attitudes but remember to jump for what it is you want in your life, just jump :thought_balloon::earth_africa::pray:

The more you rid yourself of the negativity surrounding you the more genuinely positive, freed, and empowered you will fill to pursue and achieve whatever your heart and soul yearns for. Never let the naysayers around you bring you down or place doubt in your mind. We will never understand why others feel the need to view the glass as half empty and try to convince you of the same conclusion, perhaps it is their way of bringing themselves higher. You and I know that this is not the way to achieve it. If you cannot rid the toxicity in your life, help them! Rock your @posi inner passion and show them what the power of positive thinking can do! … And how much more fun it is too Be that guiding star in their life :star2::dizzy: