My top 3 inspirations:kissing_heart: Indigo is my first inspiration because if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be able to some of the stuff I do today because of him I faced my fears and I tried new things but also I found who I truly am. My family is my second inspiration, if it wasn’t for all the kind and generous things and the lovely care I wouldn’t have had the best family anyone could ask for. My last inspiration is Pavelec I lost count of all the games and practices I’ve been to just to see him he taught me to keep your head high win or lose you have another chance he taught me to be the goalie I am today.

Managers can be nice. So I work at a fast food restaurant. We were about to close, and a man walks in. He told my manager that he was homeless, hungry, and traveling. He was hoping we could give him some food. It is against policy to give away our leftovers at the end of the night, but she gave him a large plate of one of our most popular items and a drink cup. It was a busy night, and I know she was frustrated to see him come in at the last minute, but she put that feeling aside to help him. While he was waiting I got to talk to him about his travels and also about restaurant-made special sauces. He was so nice, interesting, and extremely grateful. It was awesome to see my manager doing something I would have never expected. It made the long night worth it.