Relay for Life is a time to remember, to celebrate, and to fight back. I am proud to say that my grandfather is a survivor and over the passed two years I have been a committee member for the third top fundraising school in Ontario raising over 500,000 the past 13 years. My papa is a true source on inspiration that has taught me the importance appreciating what I have, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without him <3

I feel so proud. I’ve never really been into running and when I moved back home from another year of university I challenged myself to start running. I’m super pumped since I signed up for the color me rad run. It may be a fun 5k but it’ll be the first one I’ve signed up for. So just for kicks I thought why not see if I can run 5k! Or 10k! It’s the small steps that count! Keep on keeping on!