Honestly you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it. Two years ago I couldn’t even run half a mile without stopping and running out of breath. Last year I completed 4 5k races and 1 10K. This year I decided to challenge myself and sign up for my first Half marathon in October. My training just keeps getting better and better. I am happy to say that I ran my 6 miles today without stopping and I wasn’t even tired. It just goes to show that if you really want something, you’ll do whatever you can to make it happen. I fully believe in this. :)

“happiness isn’t a destination, it is a method of life” being happy doesn’t entirely mean waiting for a reason, a person, you’re next stop or a materialistic object to bring you such a positive feeling. it is a state of mind, you choose to feel what you feel. no matter the situation, there’s always a reason or something to be grateful for, whether it’s big or small, a memory or a goal: look around you, & just be happy with what it is you have.