Uncategorized Ladies- Relax. You’re beautiful. Promise. Posted on May 14, 2014 by samantha Continue reading →
Uncategorized Dom m’a acheté cette collier de fleur-de-lis quand nous étions en France. Il symbolise la France. La français est vraiment important pour moi parce que il me donne beaucoup de possibilités dans la vie. :fr: #posicuda #defijour8 Posted on May 13, 2014 by Carli Continue reading →
Uncategorized I want to believe I will get through this… Let me, let go. I want to inspire and be inspired; by others, by everything and by anything. Let me feel it deep in my soul; I am not afraid of change. I am not afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone. Let me feel it in the depths of my heart; I am no longer afraid of leaving others behind who do not serve me a purpose anymore. Let me feel meaning; allow me to open my heart to others, to not be afraid to love again or put myself out there. Let me see it with my eyes; allow me to experience miracles and the beauty of life. Let me feel it running in my veins, rushing through my blood; I am not afraid to see the world or go on an adventure. Let me feel it expiring out of my lungs; I am letting go. Let me inhale and feel it fill my lungs; I am not afraid to take risks, I am not afraid to die, I am not afraid to live. <3 Posted on May 13, 2014 by Janel Continue reading →
Uncategorized Célèbrer la francophonie est vraiment important pour moi parce que je suis très fière de ma culture et mon héritage français. J’adore la musique, la nourriture et les coutumes françaises. Je vais continuer de poursuivre le français et donner l’opportunité à mes enfants de célébrer leur culture aussi. Vive la :fr: #PosiCuda #defijour8 Posted on May 13, 2014 by Chlöe Continue reading →
Uncategorized Yes they are the 2 biggest nerds in the universe….. But I love them to the moon and back for many reasons. They are my twin brothers and although they can finish each other’s thoughts and sentences ( very annoying when playing board games) I feel included, important and very much a part of their lives as there little sister. Posted on May 13, 2014 by kelly Continue reading →
Uncategorized A WAY TO TEACH KIDS HOW TO COUNT . Posted on May 13, 2014 by Branden Continue reading →