#PosiCuda #defijour5 #motivation Mes élèves sont ma motivation d’être la meilleur enseignante que je peux. Leur créativité, leur motivation, leur effort et leur positivité m’inspire chaque jour (surtout quand je dois travailler la fin de semaine)!! Je suis tellement chanceuse de passer ma semaine avec des jeunes incroyables. Ces jeunes vont certainement avoir un impact #Posi dans notre communauté et le monde!

This weekend I couldn’t go to nationals because of an injury. 3 weeks ago I suffered from a knee injury where I dislocated my knee cap. This meant that I could not go to nationals with my volleyball team because of costs and physiotherapy appointments. Because I would not be going, my team got a teddy bear and put my name and our team name on it. The teddy bear sits with them on the bench. I am so thankful for the girls on my team and the support they have given me!

Travel.. And see things … Especially, things that might not be there in years from now.. This is the Tasman glacier at Mt Cook New Zealand.. It was so amazing to be so close to this glacier. To be able to touch the icebergs that melt away and fall from this glacier was surreal.. Travel, don’t be scared.. Book it and go.. Don’t hesitate or regret… Now go enjoy the world !! It is eye opening and great for your soul.. TRAVEL…!