Uncategorized What really makes me happy is being at the ranch. Every summer I spend 9 weeks doing what I love, teaching archery and riding horses! It really is the happiest place on earth. :blush: Ce qui me rend la joie est d’être au ranch. Chaque été je suis la pendant 9 semaines en train d’enseigné le tire-à-l’arc et comment se prommener em cheval. Il est vraiment la place qui me rend le plus de joie. :blush: #PosiCuda #defijour4 #joie Posted on May 9, 2014 by Marissa Continue reading →
Uncategorized Today was a trying day for me in my classroom. One of my students said something in the class that hurt me, it affected me mostly by who it came from. It has taken me a long time to realize that a lot of kids come to school with baggage, their baggage is so large that it could fill my house… So when these kids act out and treat me in an unkind manner I always have to remind myself that I don’t know the root of their behaviour. After this took place the student was sent to the office where he later apologized to me. It took a lot for me to suck in my pride and accept his apology…. What got me was that he said several times that he didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship. So instead of being negative nelly, I accepted his apology. I believe in forgiveness. I believe in second chances. I believe that next time he will pause before he does something like this again. I believe that Colin is truly a good person. Posted on May 9, 2014 by kelly Continue reading →
Uncategorized Jour 4. Ce qui me donne la joie…. #PosiCuda #Defi30Jours Posted on May 9, 2014 by Dom Continue reading →
Uncategorized #PosiCuda#defijour4 la joie. fais n’importe quoi mais tires- en de la joie!!!!!!!! Joie de vivre joie de croire ! Posted on May 9, 2014 by khadija(ziza) Continue reading →
Uncategorized If you want something make it happen. Simple as that Posted on May 9, 2014 by keonna Continue reading →
Uncategorized Do something nice – just because. It makes others feel good and it makes you feel good. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive. Take the time to call someone in pain versus a text or an email. Send flowers. Buy coffee/lunch for the car behind you. Take time to listen don’t just talk. Be kind – you never know what someone else is dealing with. Spend time with those you love and keep connected with them no matter how hectic life gets. Hold the door. Smile. Bring treats to a meeting/work. Put down your phone and give your lunch date your attention (that’s why they’re there)! Posted on May 9, 2014 by ashlee Continue reading →
Uncategorized I’m doing it. I’m taking a chance. I’m taking a leap. I’m scared as shit but either way I ain’t looking back with any regrets. I’m going for it. 100% all in. Posted on May 9, 2014 by ali-p Continue reading →
Uncategorized This evening my vocal jazz group and I performed at our school’s GLOW Gala. GLOW is the GSA club at J.H Bruns started 3 years ago by one amazing graduate. Labels aside, every one of us is alive and lucky enough to have the chance to find ourselves every day. My school is the greatest for being so accepting and enthusiastic! Gay, Lesbian, Or Whatever: you are accepted and loved by us :) Posted on May 9, 2014 by Kendall Continue reading →
Uncategorized Ce qui m’amène le plus grand montant de joie est tout les moments que je passé avec ces personnes. Mes meilleurs amis… Mais plus comme ma famille. Ils sont là dans les moments les plus pires jusqu’aux moments les plus joyeux et toujours avec des mains ouvertes et des grandes sourires. Je suis heureux parce que je suis avec eux. #JOIE #PosiCuda #defijour4 Posted on May 9, 2014 by Chlöe Continue reading →