Uncategorized Taekwondo isn’t just a sport. It’s a way of life…. 9 years ago I started Taekwondo. Kicking and screaming my mom dragged me to classes for A year. She thought learning a form of self defence would be a good skill. Little did she know that 9 years later i would be the only one still doing it. Taekwondo wasn’t only a form of physical activity it became a HUGE part of who I am. I can 100% say I would not be the person I am today if I wasn’t in Taekwondo. 9 years later I am a 1st dan black belt testing for my 2nd dan. Taekwondo has helped shape me into the person I am today. The 5 tenants of Taekwondo help keep me grounded and positive and often remind I can do anything. I CAN DO ANYTHING Posted on May 8, 2014 by Sam Continue reading →
Uncategorized So nice to go to the soccer game tonight with my dad/soccer coach since I was 4❤️Always cherish the moments you spend with people you love! Posted on May 8, 2014 by tierney Continue reading →
Uncategorized Je vous présente: mes meilleurs amis qui sont aussi les personnes que je suis si chanceux d’appeller ma famille. Ils sont les personnes qui m’encourage, me supporte et sont toujours fière de moi. Je suis reconnaissante pour eux cheque jour. #PosiCuda #defijour3 #famille Posted on May 8, 2014 by Chlöe Continue reading →
Uncategorized #PosiCuda#defijour3 je me sens si seule par moment et voudrait tout simplement être avec eux . Je leur téléphone bien sur beaucoup mais Ça ne remplace pas le contact physique , j’ai le plaisir de vivre plein de nouvelles expériences mais par moments j’ai des gros coups de blues . Ma famille me manque terriblement . Que Dieu Protège ma famille <3<3 Posted on May 8, 2014 by khadija(ziza) Continue reading →
Uncategorized Don’t forget to stop and appreciate the natural beauty around us. :cherry_blossom::tulip: Posted on May 8, 2014 by Sarah Continue reading →
Uncategorized There is something special about my two nieces. No matter what bump I cross when I see them and hug them and talk with them I am instantly restored. Somedays love is all you need! Posted on May 8, 2014 by Jennifer Continue reading →
Uncategorized In fifty days I will be on my way to Accra. So nervous, and so excited for this experience ✈️ Posted on May 8, 2014 by Sarah Continue reading →
Uncategorized Proud to call myself a Canadian :maple_leaf: Posted on May 8, 2014 by andrea Continue reading →