Uncategorized Keep your head up. You don’t need to have a lot of money to be rich, being rich is taking in account all the blessings in life that is a rich man/woman. This is what my parents have taught me and I am grateful for that! ☺️ Posted on May 6, 2014 by Laura Continue reading →
Uncategorized “Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” There is something extremely rewarding in not bothering with people who bother you. I’ve had to learn this the hard way a few times by letting ignorant and inconsiderate behavior get to me. In the end, it has only been a colossal waste of my time. Everyone should know that their time is expensive, and there will be people who simply can’t afford it. Spend it on those who love you instead:satisfied: Posted on May 6, 2014 by Kendall Continue reading →
Uncategorized Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice… Shame on me Posted on May 6, 2014 by Robyn Continue reading →
Uncategorized It’s begun. Social media is meant to be a tool for connection with the rest of the world and a virtual storyboard. We’ve lost sight of this. If people judge you based on your virtual profile, will anyone know the real you? What if you could post what you truly cared about and represent yourself without the complexity and fear of being judged? In a gentle way, you can shake the world of social media too. Posted on May 6, 2014 by Jay Continue reading →
Uncategorized #YOLO Voici une moment que je ne vais jamais oublier est quand j’ai couper mes cheveux en Japon. J’ai laisser mon amie Alex couper mes cheveux dans le dortoir de notre école. J’ai garder les cheveux et je les ai donné à l’organisation qui fait les peluques pour les victimes du cancer! J’espère que le récipient de mes cheveux sent belle/beau comme il/elle devrait. #PosiCuda #defijour1 Posted on May 6, 2014 by Chlöe Continue reading →
Uncategorized Voici le défi! Pour les prochaines 30 jours, je vais essayer de poster une photo par jour avec le but d’inspirer ce qui me suive. He suis très excité de voir les résultats dans moi même, mon école et même le monde! Joignez-moi dans ma poursuite! #PosiCuda #defijour1 Posted on May 6, 2014 by Chlöe Continue reading →