Today I write about a student that I have had for 2 years. Last year when Colton first walked in he automatically started to test the waters, what he could get away with, and how much he could get under my skin. I soon learned that while he wanted to press my buttons, he could easily be reigned in… What caught me off guard was that once he realized how much he ” hurt” me by his actions he would get down to work. Sometimes kids like Colton sacrifice their education to be the clown of the class, or to avoid hard work, sometimes it’s about not understanding, for others a fear of alienation. He is in my class again right now, and he continues to catch me off guard with how somedays he can be ridiculous bad while other times he can be so overly respectful, it’s always please and thank you. For the past 2 weeks he has worked very hard and I haven’t had to ask him to get down to work. So today I’m thankful for Colton, I hope he realizes that even though he sometimes tests my patience, I thoroughly enjoy having him in my class.