My girl is so beautiful. Words can’t explain how much I miss her and wish she wasn’t so far. Distance sucks, but time will be on our side soon enough. My best friend since day one. My lover. My soulmate. My world. Come home soon boozah:/ Without this girl, I wouldn’t be the strong headed woman I am today. She taught me how to love, live, be happy, love myself without anyone telling me different. She’s amazing. That smile keeps me going everyday.

One of the best parts of my life is my brother Jeff. He is dependable, caring, compassionate, sensitive and fun to hang out with. We haven’t fought much over the years ( he’s 8 years older than me), because overall he’s really great to me. When I was a kid in school, he had a decent paying job, on the weekends he would head to the city to whoop it up. Before he left he would always stop in @ the school to give me some money and to say goodbye. He always let me use his brand new car when I first got my license, never complained when I didn’t put enough gas back in…. I could go in and on with what he has done for me, he’s just simply a good person, that cares about his little sister. Don’t get me wrong, we have our bumps, overall we are pretty tight. My biggest regret in life is that we don’t see each other enough. But I love him, with all my heart, and I’m extremely thankful that I was blessed with awesome brothers.

This is my friends dog named Mischa! She is leaning forward because people were walking by and she wanted to say hi so bad. Dogs are the most innocent creatures on this earth and are always so happy. They don’t judge and they will be excited to see you no matter what. When I had a hard day at work this week, she was outside when I went to my friends house and I just sat and petted her for a while. I instantly felt better! Sometimes no words are needed, you just need to be there. We should all try to live and love life like these guys do every day – sounds kinda silly, but it makes sense to me!