Uncategorized Yesterday, I went to Menchies. My brothers, cousin and I each got a cup. My father had given me $20. We weighed our yogurt and we were about $15 dollars short, my cousin had promised she had extra money, but she forgot it. I searched through my car and managed to find a $5 dollar bill. The cashier then insisted we take our yogurt. We gave her the $25 and she waved us off. We were $10 short and she gave us our stuff. Thank you ! Posted on May 4, 2014 by Burke Continue reading →
Uncategorized There was this sweet guy who did a very nice random act of kindness yesterday While my Friends and I were at 7-Eleven and were getting ready to pay this kind man in front of us in line said he’d pay for everything we had, we took this very gratefully and if you take a moment to think how lucky we are to have these amazing people in the world you will look at people and the world with a different meaning, thank you very much kind man, I hope to see you around sometime:) :) This is a beautiful picture my mom drew :) :) Posted on May 3, 2014 by Rhiann Continue reading →
Uncategorized Hockey has been a big part of my life and to accomplish something as a whole and not an individual feels so warming because of the effort everyone put in. This article was a article from when playoffs were happening and my Bestfriend stepped up and spoke out and said what was needed to be said about her hat trick. In the game the refs gave her a hat trick but really they didn’t see the third goal get tipped in. In the article it describes how she actually gave it to one of her line mates instead and didn’t want the credit given to her because the other girl actually tipped it in and scored scored. This just shows leadership in her and the heart she has in her to give the goal to her! Posted on May 3, 2014 by andrea Continue reading →
Uncategorized My Hero, My son Cash At 2 1/2 years old he not only showed me what is important in life, he has shown many others. He showed me strength, bravery, what is truly important in life, and he has taught me to Love, Love, Love (life, family & most importantly to love God) We miss you so much baby but are so happy that you are free. To the Heavens and back a billion times BamBam…..xoxo Posted on May 3, 2014 by Jen Continue reading →
Uncategorized Little bro on his wedding day!! Stay posi -goose Posted on May 3, 2014 by Goose Continue reading →
Uncategorized Live each day as though it is never ending. Make your own sun. Imagination is your only limitation. Stay posi -goose Posted on May 3, 2014 by Goose Continue reading →
Uncategorized I’m really thankful for my four best friends :D Posted on May 3, 2014 by Gillian Continue reading →
Uncategorized Thankful for this team and everything we’ve achieved thus far. Ready to change the tradition and take that championship. Huck Fusson Posted on May 3, 2014 by kristi Continue reading →