Uncategorized The importance of laughter, having a smile, or being kind. Posted on May 1, 2014 by Laura Continue reading →
Uncategorized Nothing like coming home to a ridiculously funny and entertaining family! This is my brother, Kody, and he scared the crap out of me like this. He’s such a funny little guy and I love him to death. Thankful to have such great family. Posted on May 1, 2014 by Kierra Continue reading →
Uncategorized This lady is walking around her neighbourhood cleaning up all the garbage left over from the winter. Respect. :facepunch: Posted on May 1, 2014 by ashlee Continue reading →
Uncategorized Gym time with my girl. Just did ten minutes on the stair machine (aka my enemy) now on the bike. Let’s go! Posted on May 1, 2014 by AMN Continue reading →
Uncategorized HAPPY THURSDAY MAY 1st :heartpulse: so many people have birthdays today and it’s so exciting!! If you have a birthday today HAVE A SMASHING DAY! if u don’t, PRETEND ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY AND BE HAPPY! :balloon::kissing_heart: I LOVE U Posted on May 1, 2014 by posi Continue reading →
Uncategorized It is hard staying positive 24\7. I am in the service industry and sometimes people can be so rude it is hard not to walk up to them with a plate of food and smash it into there face…. I am trying to be the best version of myself so I smile and kill with kindness and almost 99.9 percent of the time the people who treated me awful will come around and treat me with respect. There will always be people in your life trying to block your sunlight, instead of putting your guard up and creating negative energy take there hand and share the sun. Posted on May 1, 2014 by Ashley Continue reading →
Uncategorized My nephew whom I hope to help shape and mentor! Posted on May 1, 2014 by Joanne Continue reading →