Out of all the people that I have encountered in my life, I hope these 2 know exactly how I feel about them. If it is one thing I have strived for since I have had my kids, it has been for them to have a full life. Every trip we take, group we join, friends we encounter, family that we grow to love, it all coughs up to one thing, and that’s our experience on earth. I hope they remember our experience and know that I did it all for them, and that I loved them madly…to the moon and back.

This is Summit. Over the past year and a half I’ve created such a great bond with this pup. Although I’m not his owner, I’ve watched him grow into a beautiful soul. We’ve gone on walks, on trips, had naps together and almost every time I turn around he’s there following me. I have had the pleasure of spending a little piece of my life, with a big part of his and hope to continue to help give him what he deserves during his short time on earth. Dogs are amazing creatures and deserve our respect and love for all that they do for us in return.