Helping hand Yesterday I saw a man in his car looking very lost. A few people up ahead simply walked by him. When it was my turn to walk by him, I decided to stop and ask if I could help. He only needed directions and it did take a good 5 mins to get him on his way in the right direction, but that’s all it takes to lift someone’s spirit and give them hope. If more people took the time to stop and lend a hand I think this world would be a very different place.

For the past 2 years, I have been volunteering every Thursday night at Siloam Mission. For years I donated money around the holidays, but never got the chance to get there and see what the place was all about. Then finally I made the decision to sign up for a tour and because the tour guides were so warm and welcoming, I chose to start volunteering on Thursday nights with them. And now we have a great little crew. We’re all like one big family – enjoying the time we spend together and the time spent with the patrons. Siloam mission is a place that is so deeply important to me. Two years ago I went through a really difficult life event that tested every ounce of my strength, faith and hope. However after spending a lot of time at Siloam, it really opened up my eyes to what’s really important and that I have so many incredible things to be thankful for. I have a great job that allows me to afford to have my own apartment. I have a great family and wonderful friends who love me and support me. I have a bed and food in the fridge. Many of these patrons don’t have these luxuries. It’s a huge reminder that no matter who you are, anyone can always end up homeless. It’s so important to be aware of this and conscientious of the fact that we are all so blessed. I will always be forever grateful for this place and for opening up my eyes to the things I didn’t see before. It has made me who I am today. :)