Be Positive ❤️ I used to be the type of person to complain a lot, get frustrated over the smallest things, hate Mondays – like most of us have at one point in their lives. It’s probably been about a year that I woke up one day and told myself that I’m going to start living my life to the fullest. I start my day off with thinking positively and thinking about one thing I want to accomplish today. I now appreciate Mondays. Appreciate the days where I feel down. Thinking positively. It has been the best things I’ve done – never being the type of person to complain makes my days 10x better. Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life. Always.

It’s the simplest things in life you can miss sometimes. Appreciation for little things has made me a happier person these past few months. I miss the beautiful sunsets that set in the park behind my house and the walks I have taken in that park with certain people. Some things impact you in the most discrete ways and you don’t notice them until you haven’t experienced them for a while. Sometimes things have to exit your life for a bit for you to realize how much you appreciate them.