So my little baby Noah went missing yesterday and it was suspected that someone took him as he is extremely cute and did not have his collar on. I am in the middle of my finals for my first semester of medical school and I write 5 exams starting Tuesday. Since he has been missing I haven’t cracked a single page and was starting to freak out. While sulking today, my landlord knocked on our door and had Noah with him. I don’t know if it was the knocking I every persons door on this side of the island, fliers put up or the animal rescue reaching out to the entire country, but SOMEONE saw Noah and returned him home to me. Little Easter miracle! And nowwww I should probably study so I can pass and come back to Winnipeg with a smile on my face and an invitation to semester 2! Have an amazing day everyone.

happy 420!! stay educated. there are 18 states who have already legalized, with colorado and Washington also regulating and taxing recreational use. a 2010 study done by Harvard university says that the estimated amount the government spends every year on prohibition is $17.4 billion. according to a 2013 ArcView report the national marijuana market is worth $1.53 billion and will be worth $10.2 billion in the next 5 years.