Ifugao, Mountain Province, Philippines. During my stay in the Philippines we had the choice to either stay an extra day at a beach resort under the sun or take the journey up the mountains to find the Banaue Rice Terraces. The group was split down the middle, but after some convincing the rest of the group agreed to go. It had been one of my dream destinations long before traveling there. These rice terraces have been used for centuries, the patties carved uniquely into the mountain sides. The 8 hour car ride seemed well worth it to me, my choice was clear. Once into the mountains the road narrowed to barely a lane wide. A rocky cliff face to one side and a steep drop off on the other. Passing was slow and nerve racking. But it all added to the adventure. Loose rocks and falling dirt showered the road ahead at one point, we waited patiently for it to settle before going on. At one point we passed a jeepney (in the photo) packed to the limits. People were hanging off it and riding on the roof, and we squeezed by them sharing what ever space we could. It was all nervous laughter and smiles until we hit the top. The view was picture perfect everything I could have wished for. The rolling mountains, the carved country side. Well worth every hour of travel. By far the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s those little things I can look back on with out regret. If I hadn’t gone I would never had known the beauty first hand. There’s moments were you have to push forward take that risk, go the places you’ve dreamed of. If it’s something you want you won’t regret it. Even as time goes on you’ll look back with memories and stories to share. These adventures will last me a life time.

“While the opportunity to improve yourself and your situation is a great thing, our striving to build perfect lives seems to have morphed into perfectionism so focused on itself that we forget about others in the world. We work so hard to build the ultimate luxury sedan, to embody society’s standard of beauty, and to achieve historical scientific breakthroughs that we conveniently forget our family members in other parts of the world who must walk miles each day in their only set of clothing for the opportunity to go to school.” 2 continents down, 5 to go. Dreaming big this year ❤️

“While the opportunity to improve yourself and your situation is a great thing, our striving to build perfect lives seems to have morphed into perfectionism so focused on itself that we forget about others in this world. We work so hard to build the ultimate luxury sedan, to embody society’s standards of beauty, and to achieve historical scientific breakthroughs that we conveniently forget our family members in other parts of the world who must walk miles each day in their only set of clothing for the opportunity to go to school.” 2 continents down, 5 to go. Dreaming big this year ❤️