For those who don’t know: Approximately four years ago I became extremely sick with an undiagnosed neurological disorder. The onset and progression of the disorder was unlike anything my doctors had seen before. Coupled with excruciating and untreatable neurologic pain, the disease left me lacking the ability to feel peripheral sensory touch anywhere on my body. Plagued with countless speciality tests, weeks in hospital, an entire semester of university lost, and more than my fair share of pain medications, I was released with no real answers to speak of. The idea of this great unknown devastated my parents and eased me into a depressive state I’d yet to experience before. Over the weeks that followed, we sought out any semblance of normality or happiness to break the tension my disease brought on. However, it was in no form of material goods or money spent that this regeneration of love and positivity was found. It was simply found in the unconditional warmth, trust and love of my sweet baby boy, Ryder. This golden bundle of love was exactly the strength my family and I needed to fix what my disorder so nearly threatened to break. I thank heaven every day for lending me one of its angels in the form of my boy. To this day I am still actively fighting to beat this disease. But now, every time it attempts to thrust me down again, I need simply feel that soft brown nose edging me back up to know that I have the strength to find those answers that once seemed so unknown. All my love for all my life, Ry