Last week was Spring Break for some schools, including my own. I am graduating this year from The School of Contemporary Dancers in the Exchange District and have multiple dance projects underway that I could not take a break from. I got a break from regular class and the daily grind of rehearsals but then jumped into solo rehearsals on another duet show soon to come. Today it was back to class, with a new nationally and worldwide known choreographer coming in to work for two weeks with the two senior levels. I was all set to go when an hour before class was to begin I was hit with the stomach flu. Bed-ridden for the rest of the day I didn’t even make it to the studio. All this being said, I will not let this get me down for the rest of day after some sleep or the rest of the week – just because I missed the first day of rehearsal. Sometimes the body needs a rest and tells us in not the most convent ways. I am thank-full I am not in the hospital or that I didn’t injured myself. We must listen to our bodies and embrace what we can and can not do on certain days; that is what makes us stronger.:muscle::raised_hands: