“Sometimes the only obstacle in your way is yourself” Wise words from the yoga instructor who was guiding the class i took tonight! If you stop and think, it is a really true statement! Most times it’s not your muscles giving out, but simply your mind making you think you’re too tired to keep going! It’s all mental, set your MIND to it and anythings possible! Time to start pushing myself, competition is only weeks away!

“Sometimes the only obstacle in your way is yourself” Wise words from the yoga instructor who was guiding the class i took tonight. It’ll you stop and think, it is a really true statement! Most times it’s not your muscles giving out, but simply your mind making you think you’re too tired to keep going! Set your MIND to it and anything is possible! Time to start pushing myself competition is only weeks away!

“Sometimes the only obstacle in your way is yourself” Wise words from the yoga instructor of the class i went to tonight! If you stop and think it is a really true statement! Most times it’s not your muscles giving out, but simple your mind making you think you’re to tired to keep going. Set your MIND to it and anything a possible Definitely keeping this mind set for nationals coming up this month!